What kinds of assessments will my child take?
Below are state and national assessments that your child may take based on their grade level one time per year. Students won't take all the assessments listed here, as they might only be given to certain grade levels, student groups, or only during some years. In addition, students will take classroom-based assessments, and elementary and middle schools have school-wide assessments in order to inform intervention, differentiation and more. You can find this information on the table: Local Assessments
Kindergarten - 5th Grade
Grades 6 - 8
High School
EL - English Learners
ELA - English Language Arts
WA-AIM – WA Access to Instruction & Measurement.
WIDA ACCESS – World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment.
SBA – Smarter Balance Assessment
WCAS – WA Comprehensive Assessment of Science
You can learn about state and federal assessments here.
CSD 2024-2025 Assessment Schedule(s)