Title I, A
Title I, Part A: Closing Educational Achievement Gaps is a federal program designed to provide customized instruction and curricula that help students meet academic standards. As the oldest and largest federal education program, Title I, Part A programs build opportunities for children whose struggles often keep them on the academic sidelines. One third of the public schools in Washington state operate Title I, Part A programs, providing academic services to over 350,000 students annually.
In Cascade School District, Title I, Part A programs recognize that all students, regardless of their socioeconomic status or background, deserve a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education. Funding received from Title I is used to plan and implement specific programs and strategies which supplement basic instruction to reading and math. Both Peshastin-Dryden Elementary School and Alpine Lakes Elementary School are served by Title I, Part A.
Contact Title I Director and Superintendent, Dr. Tracey L. Edou, (509) 548-5885.